erasmus day bordeaux europe européens association odyssée

On the occasion of the Erasmus Day on the 13th of October, association Odyssée returned to the Vocational High School Les Menuts again for an afternoon with 17 young Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and German trainees.

Again, groups have been formed combining the students of Terminale Hairdressers, students of the European classes and young Europeans. They competed in a quiz to identify the languages of the sound mosaic of languages recorded on September 26th and to place the countries on a world map. They then produced mosaics of words in as many languages as possible: Hello, Thank you, Congratulations, Good bye, Culture, Diversity.

Finally, the students of Terminale Hairdresser have tweaked the hair of the other participants at request.

Thanks to all of the participants for this moment which was rich of encounters, dialogues, good humor and awesome practices of the hairstyle.

Océane concludes with this touching narrative:

« It was during the European day of languages. I was part of a group with two Italians, one Spanish and one Portuguese. I spoke with the Portuguese, his name was Ricardo, and he told me that he knew my village in Portugal and other villages that I knew too. He even had a picture of my village on his Instagram. » Océane P., High School Les Menuts

And on October 13th, Océane and Ricardo met for a second time.


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