Long-time integration in society and in labor market workshops for female refugees are keeping up in Odyssée association.
Nothing like Winter holidays can offer participants to take part in two non-formal activities but still related to our project objectives : the mobilization of language skills and the discovery of the labor market.
A walking rally took place last Tuesday during which participants were able to discover the must-see cultural monuments of Bordeaux. They had to spot themselves in the city, observe and describe different types of establishments linked with cooking (brewery, fast food, pub…) as well as a restaurant and a hotel. They had the chance to learn specific vocabulary related to the professional fields such as hotel trade and catering.
Last Thursday, women with the status of refugees participated in a manual and playful workshop. Some of their children were present to share this friendly moment. They made a collage of images collected from French magazines and newspapers in order to present the desired professional field. The workshop went on with “le mime” and “le petit bac” games dealing with the following jobs: kitchen assistant, and receptionist in hotel. The afternoon ended with the tasting of intercultural dishes made by the participants and the members of the association. It was a wonderful opportunity to discover the typical cuisine of different countries and to exchange all together!
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